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Messages : 5
Date d'inscription : 22/03/2020

TES2 : Can great businessmen qualify as heroes? Empty TES2 : Can great businessmen qualify as heroes?

Dim 22 Mar - 19:11
rule 1 : Every student is expected to participate to the discussion. You can take the three examples mentioned in the booklets handed out in class (Henry Ford, Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos) but you can also mention other great businessmen (Bill Gates, Walt Disney...).

rule 2 : You can correct the mistakes (spelling, grammar...) made by other students.

rule 3 : This work will be graded. The more you participate and the more mistakes you correct, the higher your grade will be.

rule 4 : No Smileys which means that you will have to convey your opinions with words and complete sentences.

rule 5 : Use your real names so that everybody can identify you. Be respectful towards others.

rule 6:  Use phrases used in debates (I agree with you but... I don't agree with what you wrote... I completely disagree with what you think.. I disapprove of what you think... I don't share your opinion because... etc.)

rule 7 : Start posting comments as soon as possible. The forum will close on April, 3rd.
Messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2020

TES2 : Can great businessmen qualify as heroes? Empty Re: TES2 : Can great businessmen qualify as heroes?

Lun 23 Mar - 16:16
Henry Ford is the hero because he’s inventor of the fordism, famous model of organization and development of companies. Thanks to it, he designs a low-cost car.

Dernière édition par Maïwenn le Mar 24 Mar - 15:24, édité 1 fois
Messages : 5
Date d'inscription : 22/03/2020

TES2 : Can great businessmen qualify as heroes? Empty Re: TES2 : Can great businessmen qualify as heroes?

Mar 24 Mar - 13:50
Thank you Maiwenn for posting the first message!
Mind the pronouns (Ford was a man, not an object) and mind the tense (Ford is dead so you have to use past tense).
Can you correct your mistakes?
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